Cool Links

Last additions: Dec. 1, 2013

Should I title this page "Cool Links" or "Just Links"?

"Cool" would probably attract more attention. Plus I do think they're cool recommendations. By the way, check out the note at the bottom of this page regarding trusting any sources; that's a good thing to always keep in your mind.

Yup, I'm a knowledge nerd. I never would have guessed in a million years that I'd end up here: taking in all this data and thinking critically about it. Anyway, I seriously hope you come to enjoy investigating this stuff (without prejudices or misunderstandings) too! Right click links+open in new tab.

On issue #2

From post #1: Foundations

The two topmost sermons here:*
[3 hours]

* No Adobe Flash on your computer or device? Use these two links instead:

Supplementary lectures:
Existence* | Lecture 2 pt.1 and pt. 2 | Apologetics | Paradox vs. Contradiction | Follow the Logic | "Saved"? | A Wretch - Like MeMore Passover | Gentiles? | Hucksters (with slides) - pt. 2a
* (the referenced pictures)


Another Perfect Introduction

Don't pass this up either. It is another perfect introductory sermon to the whole subject of Jesus  on what "Christianity" really is. It's more general than link #1 in that it goes with the topic of usurping rather than laying out the whole rap sheet of broken laws:
Highlights from the Original Google Doc
(also on the Blog Origins page)

Playlists @

Great Audio & Articles
If you’ve already watched some of the playlist videos and heard the first three or four speeches contained in the first few links above, here are some other sources to learn from:
Text: Articles and Notes
  • Abstract words or words with solid definitions?
On the meanings of Amen | Halleluyah | Holy | and Glory

  • Prophetic Celebrations:

  • How the Bible got its chapters and verses: here

Audio: Radio and Podcasts

I’ll Be Honest: The law of love | You Need Forgiveness - Not Healing

Way of the Master Radio:
Aug 15, 2006 - archived December 07, 2011
Dec 13, 2006 - archived August 03, 2012
Dec 13, 2006 - archived August 03, 2012
Feb 9, 2007 - archived November 28, 2012
Feb 27, 2007 - archived January 1, 2013
Feb 27, 2007 (hour 2) - archived January 2, 2013
Mar 20, 2007 - archived February 12, 2013

Last few Recommendations:

Some super long programs and regular length sermons I’ve heard recently. They all kept my attention.

Life Report - Awesome Vodcast: Video playlist (alternate)

• A few (cough, cough) more Cool Links [a link to this page]

The Google Doc was Getting too Long
(Here are the Leftovers)

Found this stuff through an episode of "Fighting for the Faith." 
Brian Borgman on the Virgin Birth prophesy.
Quite different from anything I've heard before...which were all just quick glosses.
Webpage - 3 sermons
·   Hank Hannegraaf on the "typological" understanding: video  
·   Looks like a good read, by Borgman:

My random YouTube browsing took me here just as it led me to everything else.
The 2000 years of Hebrew History before Jesus isn't just bland history with a few goodies sprinkled around. It's the crucial foundation (for any continuation of the story) and full of plenty of solid nuggets of knowledge. Not life lessons, but contextual history helpful for understanding things surrounding Jesus better. The people, the covenants, the prophesy…
Understand the basic timeline fully and simply in about 30 minutes:
·   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Checking out Apostasy Watch led me to these webpages.
· Con men & Mistakes That Leaders made (articles)
· Mark Driscoll: Full story
· The Good the Bad and the Ugly:
· Heresies:
  (Some weird/wrong stuff is in here. It’s a mixed bag.
   So don’t forget your critical thinking skills.
   Eat the meat and spit out the bones.)
· The pure gospel:
· Canards and Questions answered:

What does tolerance really mean?
Interesting Speech with Q&A

Info for Catholics (I grew up semi-Catholic):
Who is Mary? - A Debate
"Who is the Rock?" and more
Symbolism ~ manna sustains physically, Jesus sustains spiritually

Sharing is caring

My misconception about indulgences -Tiny details and the big picture

Violence in the Bible and Church History: Part 1 | Part 2
An ethical standard and conflicting ideas: here

For professing believers:
Orthodoxy & Orthopraxy ~ "correct thinking, correct doing"

On an involuntary Euthanasia Case for a conscious stroke patient:
A whole LTI program on it“liverpool-care-pathway”-to-euthanasia
@ the 00:57:43 mark ^

The Line of Fire:
Myths and Facts about Israel
On modern gender ideas and sexuality*
Islam and Israel
More Jewish Questions 

* More links toward the bottom of this page

A great, surprising, and actually loving dialogue on same-sex topics:
hear all 2.5 hours

What Love and Bonds actually picture:

Responding to Different "Revival" Ideas:

AKA Paul - No name change:
Fish Acronym:

The Biggest Question
Marriage - 1, 2, 3

Josh Brahm:
Christian Silence regarding justice

Mark McLellan:
Jesus and Hanukkah: here
Counting the Omer: here

From random blogs:
Cult of Personality
Christian Freethinker
Worshipping thru music 1 & 2*
* I heard a quote once on a radio program – something like
"Worship is not responding to the opening licks of a guitar solo.
It's responding to God and to who He is (...His character)."

Last segment on the Resurrection:
Far from being a gloss ~ You can always learn new things

On Bible-flavored spirituality:
FFTF episode 1

Harmony of the Gospels from PRBC:
A "Sunday school" lesson recording

What "begotten" means letter to the Hebrews
One God, Many Paths?
Elephant analogy (same topic as above): 
It's not Loving? What's Love?

Awesome philosophical Subjectivity & Objectivity Lesson
(and the old-earth perspective) Stand to Reason

The subject of Time

More R.C. Sproul:
The Way, the Truth, the Life? The heck? What does that really mean?
I AM lesson
The Vine Meaning (alternate link)

No rapture, as in "no disappearing for several years":
Caught up to lead in a procession
Post-Trib/Amillenial theology
Another summary
A Rap

There Are More slaves now than ever...
Just Flush It...

Great full episode of Stand to Reason
Context, Context, Context!

Stand To Reason bites:
A Quick Summary of the Bible
Who are you to judge?
Does Variation in Cultural Morality Prove Moral Relativism?
Is faith a blind Leap?

Not all truth frees and more on faith in evidence
Marriage Licenses and Kids & more
On the Gosnell Trial: STR and Life Report

Tim Conway on the Strangeness of God
Luther the Movie

On upholding science,
testing all claims without letting anyone be silenced,
and the mythical consensus:
Playing the "Anti-Science Card"
MacArthur presentation
Non-fringe scientists who question neo-darwinism
(More about this in the STR podcasts below)

Fighting for the Faith, Arrest Threat Details
Full Episode

A walking paradox and a Hostile Takeover
Standing up

"We shall be like Him"?!

Zechariah, Berechiah, and Jehoiada article:

Paul Washer on Ephesians 1

Very important installment (the whole program, or even just the whole first hour):

More STR:
Do We Have What They Wrote? podcast, article
Stephen Meyer interview ~ On neo-darwinian infighting
J. Warner Wallace guest hosting: 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity
Unsilenced ~ Interview and commentary 

Greg Koukl (paraphrased):
"If you look in the original languages, you'll see that Christian
meditation is chewing on information--not emptying the mind."
Melinda Penner (quoted by Greg):
"We have to make our worldview decisions...based on...
evidence that IS accessible to us for verification."

It's not a crutch. And neither comfort nor discomfort determines truth:

World Problems to alleviate:
1st issue | 2nd issue | 3rd issue
A handful of articles:
Definitions of labels | Receive, don't accept
Problems with moral relativism, burden of proof
Helping pastors, the congregation's servant-guider
OT reliability | a quoteHollywood got it Wrong
Pleasure as Ethics | Islam's theology
Wolves in the HRM | Civility and real politeness

More Audio Picks:
Pervasive Errors | Correction (video) | Brian Regan and Hurtin' Culture
More James White...don't know how do describe this one
Conscience and the Commandments -- A Good HRM Critique

Code of the $amurai
Pastor should all be servants

Dealing with Anti-Intellectualism & More

Please convince me:
The best question to ask when starting a conversation about God

Atheist article response:

J. Warner interview on local radio

Leah Remini & Scientology's sad abuses:

Pat Robertson's prophecy fail

Lutherans on Regeneration in Baptism:
Chris making the Case - part 1
Slight mentions in the intro (and unrelated good stuff)
Final Wrap Up (with help from a Pastor) - part 2
Pirate vs Ninja Interview (with Jonathan Fiske)
Interview Bonus

Pentecostalism origin stories

On the detriment of posting certain Image Macros/Memes on Facebook:
Educate, don't retort

Materialism and moral evolution, Simply Loving LGBT relatives, and more
BE a Christian to them
Pastor Fiske, Michael Brown and Alan Shlemon on related topics:
Worldview Everlasting Vlog
Short podcast

James White on an Article by a convert to Roman Catholicism

Lighthearted fun!
Games & Five minute sermons - Fiske as the guest
Bumper Sticker Theology
Other educational games (ep. 255)

The Anatomy of Religious Money Scams

Wrong messages in Kids Movies
10 lessons from 26 years of marriage

Life Report's Josh Brahm on "What we can learn from hateful street preachers"?!?: Blog post
Overpopulation and the Back Alley: video/podcast
About anti-abortion atheists (and other non-Christians for life): Thoughts | Interview

Samuel and the Kings: Issues, Etc. | Movie

Ravi "Lost and Found" Part 1, Part 2

Melchizedek's story explained, James White
Arguments against Paul's writings, by James White

From the Cold-Case Christianity blog:
Did the Apostles Really Die for their Claims?
Are We More Than Simply Physical Beings?

The Insanity of Luther: R.C. Sproul
Great Quotes: those crazy Lutherans :)

One's worldview has to be consistent:
does Jesus bring world peace,
or does the Age of Aquarius

5 Minutes in Church History: 1066, a good year

Note: Both clear Gospel teachers and other apparent "Christian" teachers are people. That means they battle with (or are still entrenched in) sin and can do something to disappoint you. So even if you become a fan of someone in the links above, don't hold them in high esteem--and also check for errors and mistakes. They wouldn't want you worshiping them anyway, hopefully; the right stuff they do and preach are supposed to direct your focus toward God alone.

I wrote that because of some articles from "Apostasy Watch" and some of Chris' sermon reviews on the "Fighting for the Faith" show. They mention huge mistakes of even a few good Gospel teachers.

Different subject: Also, don't just read and hear from ONE side of any issue. Don't build a bias, but DO "plant your feet." Simply shuffle around as you gain more information that persuades you.


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